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「日産 GT-R R35 2017」の外装&内装をじっくり観てみたよ!( ^ ^ )/

#スカイラインgtr r35〜〜「日産 GT-R R35 2017」の外装&内装をじっくり観てみたよ!( ^ ^ )/〜〜動画URL⇒https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xelsDrvA7A

Japan's best police cars -WhichCarについて

Japan's best police cars - WhichCarWhichCarJapan's best police carsWhichCar... R34 GT-R is peak Skyline, where its evolution culminated in the ultimate Godzilla. The idea of having one of these RB26DETT-powered monsters chasing you along t…